Osime Brown motion
This CLP Notes1. Osime Brown is a young, autistic, learning-disabled man who was imprisoned as a teenager under a ‘joint enterprise’ conviction for a crime he did not commit. He now faces deportation to Jamaica, a country he left at the age of four and where he has no friends, family or support networks. Osime has suffered racist abuse and become seriously ill while in prison.
2. In October, Osime was originally due to be transferred to a detention facility, but thanks to mass action and legal protest, was allowed to return home to his family. The deportation order still stands.
Believes:1. That Osime’s case highlights the racist, anti-immigrant, ableist discrimination that continues under this hostile environment of this Conservative government.
ResolvesWe resolve to support Osime Brown’s campaign to overturn his conviction and his deportation order, and specifically to:
I. donate to the campaign fund from the CLP [£100?]
II. write to the Labour Party NEC about this case
III. Write to our local MP, from the CLP asking them to demand the Home Office review the case
IV. Support any further demonstrations or action that the campaign calls
V. Publish campaign resources on the CLP website
VI. Email members asking them to sign and share the petition:Â bit.ly/osime-b
VII. Ask our members pass motions in trade union branches / trades council branch
Further reading about Osime’s case: