Home Office abandons plans to deport Osime Brown to Jamaica
Great news! as a result of our campaigning alongside many others, Osime Brown will not now be deported to Jamaica. This is a great victory for justice for autistic people.
Below is a statement issued by Osime’s mother Joan, who fought more than anyone else for this, which says it all better than we could:
Osime is free to remain in the UK! Where do I start?
There are so many names and people I need to mention and thank; unwittingly I may miss out some very important people, but without you I would have been greatly impoverished, so from the outset, I thank you all. I thank everyone that has and continues to support us; I have gained Sisters, Brothers, Fathers, Mothers and Friends. However, I want to highlight a few individuals out of the multitude of people who have worked tirelessly to get us this far:
@Emma Dalmayne, Autistic Inclusive Meets Community Group AIM you have been a tower of strength and a warrior for Osime although you have never met him, but you proved to the world and us that you know the true meaning of being charitable, thanks for your kind heart, it beats loudly with love! Thank you for helping, The FreeOsimeBrown Campaign.
@Terra Vance and the Neurodivergent community, thank you for welcoming us into your lives; you educated us and supported us. We love you! Terra Vance, distance nor miles did not prevent you from extending your helping hands. This act of kindness speaks volume. Andrew Jones Osime’s solicitor, Wilson Solicitors:
@WilsonsLondon You DID IT!! Thank you for your hard work. I know I gave you a lot of headaches, but you delivered. I proved that this was more than just another job to you. The use of your legal expertise has brought life and significance, to the meaning of the legal profession. I would recommend you to anyone needing a good solicitor. You are the go too man! Sarah Ricca, Claire Hayes, Shaki Sanusi, Rhona Friedman and Nick Armstrong; Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors. Thank you for fighting with us. The achievement of success has been realised because you knew how to press the right button at the right time. Your continued support is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Looking forward to working with you.
To Neurodivergent Labour, which championed our cause and took our campaign into the labour movement. Josh Lovell, Andy Forse, Janine Booth, Nadia Whittome MP, John McDonnell MP thank you for your warmth, generosity and personal sacrifices: you were medicine to the faint and weary! Your teamwork exemplified what is achievable when people work together.
To all the Organisations, Trade Unions Movement, Activists, Celebrities, and the Media that came out and supported my family in getting the deportation to deport Osime Brown lifted: You believed in justice, fairness, dignity, and a country that is welcoming to everyone, no matter the colour of their skin. We thank you! My God, what can I say about JADE, this wonderful young woman, whom I have never met, but tirelessly she has taken ownership to run the Twitter page. Love you Jade! Although my son, Osime went through such a horrendous and unsettling ordeal, we are elated that he is now allowed to stay with his family. Because of you we have won one of our battles and Osime is now trying to process the Home Office decision. You are never free until your name is cleared and so we will be fighting for justice and for his name to be cleared from the false conviction following police lies and manipulation of evidence.
We must now pursue justice for his name to be cleared. Once again, for this momentous occasion and achievement, I thank all my newly found friends for all your kind words, time and personal sacrifices and commitment; without you I would be dead!
Joan Martin Please sign the petition here: Can you add your signature? ✍️ http://chng.it/skc2WDNC
Thank you: Nadia Whittome MP RMT Black Solidarity Committee. Ana Oppenheim, Labour Campaign for Free Movement Claudia Webbe MP for Leicester East, campaigner for Black rights. Gloria Morrison JENGbA Vicky Blake President of UCU Joe Booth, autistic rights advocate, socialist. David Gray-Hammond : Autistic Rights and Mental Health Advocate Sara, Women of Colour Peter Tatchell Andy Forse, Neurodivergent Labour Campaigns Officer Dianne Abbott MP Kate Osamore MP Jade Higgins John McDonnell MP No more Exclusions Owen Jones Journalist Bella Sankey Detention Action Kate Adams Sisters uncut/Kill the Bill Jacqueline Mckenzie Black Lives Matter Sarah Ricca Osime’s Solicitor Joshua Lovell Labour Campaign for Free Movement NO Going Back Sunday Jamie Stone MP Autism Injustice Nueroclastic Emma Jones LCFM “Oxford migrants rights activist” Justice For Matthew Rushin Erin Ekins Spartan👊🏽 Twitterstorm Kate Jones Women’s Strike Assembly Brum and Kill the Bill Coalition. Stand Up To Racism Stourbridge Delores Lee Global Justice #letsclearhisname #justiceforosime
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