Compulsory Voter Identification: Motion to 2021 AGM

Motion 3. Compulsory Voter ID

Proposed by Janine Booth, seconded by Hann Sutcliffe

Neurodivergent Labour opposes the Conservative government’s plan for compulsory Voter Identification (ID), announced in May 2021.

ND Labour believes that compulsory voter ID will create a barrier to many neurodivergent people exercising our democratic right to vote, because:

1. research shows that neurodivergent people, along with people who are disabled in other ways, trans, young, trans, black or ethnic minority are less likely to possess existing valid photo ID.

2. the cost of photo ID may be prohibitive for many

3. even if it is provided without charge, the process of obtaining ID will be difficult for many neurodivergent people to navigate.

Compulsory voter ID is a deplorable attempt to disenfranchise people who are already marginalised in society. It amounts to discrimination and voter suppression.

ND Labour resolves to:

1. produce material explaining why compulsory voter ID is an attack on neurodivergent people’s democratic rights

2. support and take part in campaigning against compulsory voter ID

3. work with other groups negatively impacted by this and with the wider labour and civil rights movements

4. ask the Labour Party and our patron MPs to highlight the impact of compulsory voter ID on neurodivergent people

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